Sunday, July 2, 2017

Clinical Instructors' Related Learning Experience Needs in Training, Development and Empowerment

Estrellita N. Lim and Mauro Allan P. Amparado


This study assessed the Related Learning Experience (RLE) needs in terms of training, development, and empowerment of the clinical instructors of the College of Nursing, University of Cebu Banilad, Cebu City for SY 2010-2011. Findings of this study served as the basis for a proposed action plan. This study utilized the descriptive-correlational design using a 50-item researcher-made questionnaire and purposive sampling procedure. It included 157 employed clinical instructors from Level 1 to Level 4 placements and midwifery/health aide instructors. Statistical treatments used in the data analysis were simple percentage, weighted mean, hypothetical mean range and the chi-square test of independence. Results revealed that the dominant RLE training needs were CPR, IV insertion, NGT insertion, colostomy care training, physical assessment skills, assisting in abdominal paracentesis and endoscopy procedures. The dominant development needs were research skills, continuing education, counseling, cultivating values and leadership skills. The extent of RLE needs in terms of training and development were needed while empowerment was most needed. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between the clinical instructors' profile and their empowerment needs. The researchers strongly recommend the implementation of the proposed action plan.

Keywords: needs, training, development, empowerment, clinical instructors, related learning experience.

This study was published in IAMURE International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, September 2012.

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