Monday, July 3, 2017

Migration Factors of Clinical Instructors in a University

April C. Fuentes and Mauro Allan P. Amparado


The worldwide shortage of nurses, which results from a global undersupply and high attrition rates, affects developed countries in the West the same way as it affects developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The difference lies in the fact that developing countries serve as a readily available source of trained nurses for developed countries in Europe, North America and parts of Oceania. Thus, the ongoing nursing shortage in developing countries is worsened by a loss of thousands of trained nurses every year to emigration. This study identified the migration factors of clinical instructors in a university of Cebu City, Philippines. Utilizing 100 clinical instructors as respondents, the study reveals that the majority were 25-28 years old; female; single; 0-5 years of work service; with units in a master's program; belonged to a nuclear family; has no child; with monthly income of 10,000 to 20,000 Philippine pesos; has taken foreign nursing examinations; and intended to migrate to Canada. The top three push factors of migration were low salary, absence of overtime and hazard pays, and limited opportunities for employment. Top three pull factors were higher income, better benefits and compensation package, a chance to upgrade nursing skills, and opportunity to travel and learn other cultures.

Keywords: Social sciences, low salary, nurse migration, push factors, pull factors, Philippines     

This study was published in IAMURE International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 8, October 2013.

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