Sunday, November 10, 2019


In “One Woman’s Liberation,” Shirley Boone writes: “Talk about blind adoration! When Pat and I married, I was so much in love I didn’t have any sense at all. Pat has said in interviews that we married fully aware of the serious adjustments we’d have to make and the financial crises we’d face, but he was speaking strictly for himself. As far as I was concerned, I wasn’t aware of anything except that he was wonderful and that life without him would be miserable.

“I understood exactly how Mary, Queen of Scots, must have felt when she said of James Bothwell, her third husband, ‘I’d follow him to the ends of the earth in my petticoat,’ because that’s how I felt about Pat… If Pat had suggested it, I would have gone with him to Timbuktu without batting an eye. He was my life. To me, he was perfect, and that was the beginning of our troubles, because anyone placed on a pinnacle can go in only one direction: down.”

Shirley and Pat Boone worked through their differences to create a strong and lasting marriage, but the beginning of their true success as a couple came when they each recognized this cardinal truth: nobody’s perfect.

Reference: God’s Little Devotional Book for Couples. (2002). Manila, Philippines: Lighthouse Inspirational Books & Gifts.

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