Sunday, November 10, 2019


Credit card debt. That was the turning point. It was 2004 and I was faced with a debt amounting to 100,000 Philippine pesos or 2,000 USD. And every month, the interests and charges were making the situation worse.

Down on my knees praying to God for help, I cried and made one very high scream. And it made me realize that I was very tired of my situation. Too tired, that I slept on the carpet in my living room. When I woke up, I saw how beautiful the interiors of my house was, and how much I owned. And on one side, a vacuum cleaner which I have not touched for months.

"I haven't used it. Why?"

Reality bites. I was buying things to prove to myself and to others that I have possessions. And I would use the plastic card called credit card to buy it. Slowly, I reached for my wallet at the back of my jeans and saw the credit card in one of its pockets. HSBC. Issued in 2003. One year since I first used it, and I was in debt.

I got up from the carpet and my place revealed more things. And I uttered the words... freedom... space... time. As if somebody was whispering these words... freedom... space... time. I repeated it many times. Too many, that I couldn't count how many times I uttered it. 

It was what my heart was saying. Freedom... space... time... I was very sure about it. I long searched for it... freedom... space... time... 

2004 became the start of a journey. A journey which I later learned as minimalism. 

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