Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The Big Picture Principle states, “The entire population of the world – with one minor exception – is composed of other people.” If you’ve never thought of life in those terms, then it’s time to give it a try. I’ve never met a person that truly wins with other people who has not mastered the ability to keep his eyes off the mirror and serve others with dignity.

I’m told that psychological research shows that people are better adjusted and more likely to feel content if they serve others. Serving others actually cultivates health and brings about happiness. People have instinctively known that for centuries – even before the science of psychology was formally developed. For example, look at the wisdom (and humor) found in this Chinese proverb:

If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day – go fishing.
If you want happiness for a month – get married.
If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime – help others.

You can actually help yourself by helping others. Remember that, and it will help you take – and keep – your eyes off the mirror.

Open your eyes to the people around you and serve them well today.


Maxwell, J. C. (2007). Maximize your day: 365 days of insights to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines: OMF Literature Inc.

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