Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Do you and your teammates keep the big picture in mind? Or do you tend to get so bogged down in the details of your responsibilities that you lose sight of the big picture? If you in any way hinder the bigger team – your organization – because of your desire to achieve personal success or even the success of your department, then you may need to take steps to improve your ability to keep the team’s mission in mind.

Check to see if your team focuses on its mission. Start by measuring the clarity of the mission. Does your team or organization have a mission statement? If not, work to get the team to create one. If it does, then examine whether the goals of the team match its mission. If the values, mission, goals, and practices of a team don’t match up, you’re going to have a tough time as a team player.

Find ways to keep the mission in mind. If you’re a strong achiever, the type of person who is used to working alone, or you tend to focus on the immediate rather than the big picture, you may need extra help being reminded of the mission of the team. Write down the mission and place it somewhere you can see it. Keep it in front of you so that you are always conscious of the team’s mission.

Contribute your best as a team member. Once you’re sure of the team’s mission and direction, determine to contribute your best in the context of the team, not as an individual. That may mean taking a behind-the-scenes role for a while. Or it may mean focusing your inner circle in a way that contributes more to the organization, even if it gives you and your people less recognition.

Avoid getting bogged down in details and keep the big picture in mind today.


Maxwell, J. C. (2007). Maximize your day: 365 days of insights to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines: OMF Literature Inc.

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