Friday, July 13, 2018


The greatest achievers in life are people who set goals for themselves and then work hard to reach them. What they get by reaching the goals is not nearly as important as what they become by reaching them. When you help people set goals, use the following guidelines:

Make the goals appropriate. Always keep in mind the job you want the people to do and the desired result: the development of your people into effective leaders: Identify goals that will contribute to the larger goal.

Make the goals attainable. Ian MacGregor, former AMAX Corporation chairman of the board, said, “I work on the same principle as people who train horses. You start with low fences, easily achieved goals, and work up.”

Make the goals measurable. Your potential leaders will never know when they have achieved their goals if they aren’t measurable. When they are measurable, the knowledge that they have been attained will give them a sense of accomplishment.

Clearly state the goals. When goals have no clear focus, neither will the actions of the people trying to achieve them.

Make the goals require a “stretch.” As I mentioned before, goals have to be achievable. On the other hand, when goals do not require a stretch, the people achieving them won’t grow.

Put the goals in writing. When people write down their goals, it makes them more accountable for those goals.

It is important to encourage your potential leaders to review their goals and progress. Ben Franklin set aside time every day to review two questions. In the morning he asked himself, “What good shall I do today?” In the evening he asked, “What good have I done today?”

Help someone on your team to set goals today.


Maxwell, J. C. (2007). Maximize your day: 365 days of insights to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines: OMF Literature Inc.

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