Wednesday, July 4, 2018


It’s been my observation that people usually rise to the leader’s expectations – if they like the leader. If you have built solid relationships with your employees and they genuinely like and respect you, they will work hard and give their best.

I’ve learned a lot of things about leadership from many leaders over the years, but the one I still admire most is my father, Melvin Maxwell. In December 2004, I visited my parents in the Orlando area, and while I was there, I was scheduled to participate in a conference call. Because I needed a quiet place to do it, my dad graciously let me use his office. As I sat at his desk, I noticed a card next to the phone with the following words written in my father’s hand:

#1  Build people up by encouragement
#2  Give people credit by acknowledgment
#3  Give people recognition by gratitude

I knew in a second why it was there. My father had written it to remind him of how he was to treat people as he spoke on the phone with them. And I was instantly reminded that Dad, more than anyone else, taught me to see everyone as a “10.” Begin today to see and lead people as they can be, not as they are, and you will be amazed by how they respond to you.

Treat someone like a “10” today and watch them rise to your expectations.


Maxwell, J. C. (2007). Maximize your day: 365 days of insights to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines: OMF Literature Inc.

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