Sunday, July 22, 2018


A Sicilian proverb says, “Only the spoon knows what is stirring in the pot.” When you allow another person to know what is stirring within you, giving him a “taste” of a plan or idea, you instantly make a connection with him. Who doesn’t want to know what’s going on in the mind of someone they care about?

You might think that sharing a secret with someone always has to be a big deal with life-changing ramifications. It doesn’t. Of course, when you let people in on something impacting, it makes quite an impression. But you can make sharing a secret part of your everyday life using everyday things. The first time you share something with others, aren’t you sharing something that has been secret up to that moment? Why not let the person to whom you’re talking know that you’re revealing it for the first time? That makes him feel special.

Sharing a secret with someone is really a matter of two things: reading the context of a situation and desiring to build up the other person. If you do those two things, you can learn this skill.

Share what’s stirring within you today to make a meaningful connection.


Maxwell, J. C. (2007). Maximize your day: 365 days of insights to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines: OMF Literature Inc.

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