Saturday, July 7, 2018


Are you used to winging it? Do you try to fake it ‘til you make it? Or is solid preparation part of your regular routine? If you continually let your teammates down, you’re probably playing in the wrong position or not spending enough time and energy preparing to meet challenges. To improve your preparedness…

Become a process thinker. Getting ready requires thinking ahead so that you recognize now what you will need later. Create a system or list for yourself that will help you mentally walk through any process ahead of time, breaking tasks down into steps. Then determine what preparation will be required to complete each step.

Do more research. People in just about every profession utilize some kind of research to improve themselves. Become more familiar with the research tools of your trade and made yourself an expert at using them.

Learn from your mistakes. The greatest preparation tool can often be a person’s own experience. Think about the mistakes you recently made while completing a project or executing a challenge. Write them down, study them, and determine what you can do differently the next time you face a similar situation.

Focus on solid preparation today.


Maxwell, J. C. (2007). Maximize your day: 365 days of insights to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Manila, Philippines: OMF Literature Inc.

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